Friday, March 13, 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in computer industry caused by the move to "the network is the platform". According to Tim O'reilly's definition of Web 2.0, it's the understanding of "the network is the platform", figure out how to build database to get better, to get more people to use them.

The main characteristic of Web 2.0 is, it has great interactivity, it allows the users not only to retrieve the information from the network, but it also alows the users to run software-applications entirely through a browser, users can own the data on the network, and control over that data. For example, the users of blogger, are allowed to retrieve the data on the blogger network, which could be viewing other people's information on their blogs, this is what traditional websites do, but Web 2.0 also allows the users to build their own blogs, through running the particular software-application applied on blogger site, users own the data on this site, they got to manipulate the data on this site as well, such as changing the look of the layout of their blogs, posting their articles, becoming followers of the other people on blogger, etc.

This stands in contrast to traditional websites, which limited visitors only to viewing and whose content only the site's owner could modify. The other examples of Web 2.0 are "Google Adsense", "Flicker" "Google Map", "Technorati", etc.

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